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10 Advantages Of Hiring A Divorce Lawyer In Palm Beach

10 Advantages Of Hiring A Divorce Lawyer In Palm Beach

Getting a divorce is nothing to be ashamed about – sometimes things just don’t work out in the end. But, that doesn’t make it any less hard for either of you. The important thing is that you put your health and happiness first. So, what’s the next step?

Officially ending your marriage is a serious legal process. You need to understand that the Court no longer considers who’s at fault during divorce proceedings. So, adultery and desertion are no longer valid grounds. To file for a divorce, the marriage must have broken down irretrievably. This occurs when you and your partner have been separated for a minimum of 12 months.

Ideally, you want this process to be as fast and painless as possible. But, understanding the legal framework and paperwork is a huge feat for the average person – especially during such an emotional time. That’s why hiring a Palm Beach divorce lawyer should be your first priority.

There are many advantages to hiring a divorce lawyer to guide you through this difficult time. Let’s take a look.

#1 Protecting Yourself

Without any formal education or training in Australian law, you won’t have the knowledge needed to protect yourself. Although you were once a team, getting a divorce means officially becoming independent from one another. So, you must ensure your interests are protected.

Hiring a professional divorce lawyer ensures that you have an experienced and objective person in your corner. With their expertise in divorce law, you can expect strategic legal advice and representation that has your best interests at heart – no matter the circumstances.

#2 Keeping Your Custody Rights

Things can get very complicated when children are involved. Depending on the nature of your divorce, you may feel at risk of losing your rights to custody. Child custody is one of the most emotional and contested issues in divorce Court.

It’s important that you have all the facts, evidence, documents, and witnesses before entering court to ensure that you’re prepared for anything. A good divorce lawyer will know exactly what you need and gather it for you. So, hiring a divorce lawyer is crucial to keeping the rights you deserve.

#3 Keeping It Fair

Once divorce proceedings have started, your partner will likely put themselves first. This can be very stressful, as you may be worried that you’ll get the short end of the stick. Divorce lawyers are an important mediator here, as they will make sure that any offers from the other side are fair.

Using their extensive knowledge on marital property dissolution, they will critically analyse any offers made and ensure that you get what you’re owed. They are your best protection against getting cheated.

#4 Keeping It Quick

A divorce can turn into a long, drawn-out process in the blink of an eye. Settling as fast and as smoothly as possible requires an in-depth understanding of what is required for a divorce and when. Arming yourself with a divorce lawyer will ensure that you have their skills to rely on to speed it up.

#5 Keeping It Objective

It’s hard to reach an amicable settlement when you and your partner are highly emotional. Trying to reach an agreement over coffee at the kitchen table can trigger emotional outbursts that make thinking clearly and fairly almost impossible.

Moving this conversation into a more professional setting will help both of you keep your emotions in check. This is essential, as divorce is a legal process – not an emotional one. Hiring a divorce lawyer will ensure the focus is always on coming to an agreement, rather than an argument.

#6 Preparing The Paperwork

Producing the necessary paperwork on time is crucial to a successful, amicable divorce. These documents will help the judge determine the outcome of your case and your character. The smallest mistake can warp their perception of you and your conduct. Even something as simple as a poor choice of words could irreversibly damage your credibility – and ultimately your case.

The sheer volume of complicated legal paperwork adds to the likelihood of this scenario when doing it yourself. A divorce lawyer will guide you through this process, helping you fill out the documents correctly and persuasively, to ensure you are presented in the best light possible.

Now that you’ve seen the evidence, it’s time to find expert divorce lawyers who care. Here at Frigo Adamson Legal Group, we boast an experienced team of divorce lawyers who specialise in dispute resolution and mediation. Contact us for help and let us take the weight off your shoulders!

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