Can I Date While My Divorce Case Is Pending?

Can I Date While My Divorce Case Is Pending?

Dating often has no significant legal effect on a divorce case. However, in certain cases it can prove to be problematic, so it is advisable to let your attorney know if you are dating while your divorce is pending. Here are some potential problems that may arise:

  • In all but a few cases, dating while the case is pending will likely increase the anger and animosity of the other party, making settlement of your case more difficult.
  • In a case involving children, dating could be used against you, if the person or situation negatively effects your child.
  • Dating while the case is pending can create arguments relative to alimony or equitable distribution, if there is a financial impact.
  • Florida and many states have laws prohibiting adultery, and while such laws may or may not be enforced, the person whom you are dating may become a witness to your case.

If you are dating while your divorce case is pending, it is important to be mindful that your spouse and his or her attorney may take an interest in your activities.  Your spouse may, for instance, be monitoring your Facebook page or other social media accounts. While it might seem obvious, it is advisable to refrain from posting any inappropriate content on social media, particularly related to personal dating relationships.

At Nicole L. Goetz, P.L. we have the knowledge and experience to guide you through the divorce process from start to finish, including litigation and appeals, if necessary. If you have questions, would like to receive more information, or need an attorney to assist you during this difficult and often complicated process, please call our office in Naples, Florida at 239-325-5030 to schedule a confidential consultation with our attorneys.

The information provided on law and legal topics is designed for general information only and does not constitute nor should it be considered legal advice. It is not a substitute, nor should it be considered a substitute, for legal advice from a qualified attorney who is knowledgeable about your specific factual situation.

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