Why Should You Get a Personal Injury Lawyer After a Car Accident?

Why Should You Get a Personal Injury Lawyer After a Car Accident?

Having an experienced Morristown personal injury lawyer on your side helps to ensure you get the compensation you are entitled to when car accidents happen.

Car accidents in Morristown happen on an unfortunately regular basis, and the injuries victims suffer have the potential to be severe. Costs you incur as a result, such as medical bills, lost wages, property damage, and other expenses, could total hundreds of thousands of dollars. When the reckless actions of other drivers cause your injuries, you have the right to hold those people accountable in a claim. Having an experienced Morristown personal injury lawyer on your side can help to ensure you get the total amount of compensation to which you are entitled.

Getting the Compensation You Need After a Car Accident in Morristown

Statistics from the New Jersey Department of Transportation show that close to 15,000 car accidents in Morristown happen each year. In even a minor crash or collision, injuries you suffer can be severe.

Broken bones, torn muscles or tendons, and injuries impacting the back, neck, or head are all common and can affect your health and financial security for years to come. When another driver’s reckless actions are to blame, you have the right to hold them financially responsible. Compensation that can help you recover after a car accident includes:

  • Payment of your current medical debts;
  • Reimbursement for lost wages;
  • Coverage of any future medical costs or losses in income you are likely to suffer due to your injuries;
  • Compensation for intangible costs, such as the pain and suffering your car accident causes.

How a Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help You in Filing a Car Accident Claim

In the immediate aftermath of a car accident, you are likely to be contacted by the at-fault driver’s insurer. When dealing with the insurance companies, it is important to remember that they are for-profit businesses. As such, it is in their best interests to find reasons to deny or downplay your claim.

Before making any statements that could be used against you or accepting any settlement offers that are likely far less than what you deserve, speak with our experienced Morristown personal injury lawyer first. While you focus on your recovery, we can focus on getting you the compensation you deserve. Actions Leonard Legal Group can take on your behalf include:

  • Thoroughly investigating your car accident to determine how it happened and who is responsible;
  • Gathering evidence needed in your claim, such as statements from your doctors and any witnesses at the scene;
  • Negotiating with insurance representatives on your behalf;
  • Filing a personal injury lawsuit through the Morris County Courts in the event the other driver is uninsured or a reasonable settlement cannot be reached.

Contact Our Morristown Personal Injury Attorney Today

You have only one chance to get the compensation you need to recover when a car accident happens. To get the maximum amount you need to recover, get Leonard Legal Group on your side. Call 973-984-1414 or contact our Morristown personal injury attorney online to request a consultation today.

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