Law Firm SEO Marketing Guide: Best Legal SEO Tips

Law Firm SEO Marketing Guide: Best Legal SEO Tips

There are over 1.33 million attorneys in the US. This huge number of licensed attorneys in the US clearly shows the increasing competition in the field of law. With such high competition, acquiring new clients is a great struggle; and the struggle increases even more without a proper digital marketing strategy. Before the popularity of the internet, people used to search Yellow pages for getting information about local law firms. But with the evolution of mobile technology and search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo, legal marketing has changed a…

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Refusing To Offer Future Shifts To An Intermittent Employee, Can It Be Considered Unfair Dismissal In Western Australia?

Refusing To Offer Future Shifts To An Intermittent Employee, Can It Be Considered Unfair Dismissal In Western Australia?

The FWC ruled that the dismissal of an intermittent Border Force employee was not related to unsatisfactory performance but was related to his inappropriate behaviour. He was not given warning that if further complaints were made of him engaging in disrespectful and inappropriate behaviour when dealing with passengers, his employment was to be terminated. Without this warning, his dismissal was unfair. The Border Force employee had been working at the airport since 2006. He was a non-ongoing Border Force employee who had been engaged to perform irregular or intermittent at…

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How Can I Easily Take My Business To The Next Level?

How Can I Easily Take My Business To The Next Level?

This is indeed a very important question for every single businessman and businesswoman out there. Everyone has a dream and, they want to make sure that, that dream is going to become a reality. If you are a business owner then, your dream is to make sure that, your business is going to be able to take the next step in order for you to be able to gain more profit from your business. Helping Your Business Grow Unfortunately, many people out there do not know exactly how they can…

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