Steps To Take If You Are a Passenger Injured in a Car Accident

Steps To Take If You Are a Passenger Injured in a Car Accident

Car accidents happen every day, causing injuries to drivers and passengers alike. Drivers must carry auto liability insurance that provides coverage for all persons injured in a car crash. An injured passenger can recover damages with the help of a qualified personal injury attorney. Let’s look at what you should do if you are a passenger in a car accident. Reasons for Car Accidents Most car crashes are not accidents but the result of negligence. Driver errors are usually the cause, such as: Distracted driving – Drivers can be distracted…

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Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

While riding a motorcycle can be a fun, exhilarating experience, it’s also dangerous. Motorcyclists are at much greater risk of serious injury than drivers or passengers in cars and trucks. Motorcycle accidents are common and usually involve another vehicle or objects on the road. Here are some common causes of motorcycle accidents. Obstruction From Other Traffic Some of the common causes of obstruction from other traffic include; Other vehicles: other drivers, including pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists. Road conditions: weather, road surfaces, and visibility. Road signs and markings: these can be…

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Dangers of Motorcycle Lane Splitting

Dangers of Motorcycle Lane Splitting

Owning a motorcycle provides you with more than just the pleasure of riding in the open air; it also offers additional advantages such as affordability, improved fuel efficiency, and easier maintenance. Despite the benefits, research shows that the motorcycle makes up 3% of all registered vehicles but accounts for 80% of injury or mortality rate, while the motor vehicle is about 20%. Many factors contribute to motorbike accidents, such as lane splitting, your bike, age, and road use. Since motorbikes are more vulnerable to accidents, learn more here about lane-splitting for motorcycles.…

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Why Are Accidents At Railroad Crossings Often Put On The Shoulders Of Drivers?

Drivers involved in collisions with trains at railroad crossings are frequently accused of attempting to outrun the train or of disregarding traffic signals. However, railroads often self-report accident causes, and not all accidents are thoroughly examined. The train firm first blamed the driver for certain accidents, but independent investigators have revealed that railroad crossings were obstructing vision or traffic gates and lights were malfunctioning. The aggregate revenue of the four largest railroads in the United States exceeds $70 billion, affording a large and formidable political lobbying effort as well as…

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How To Determine The Cause Of An Accident.

When an accident occurs, it is not always readily apparent who is at fault and who is responsible for the crash. There are, however, certain aspects of the accident that makes it easy to determine who or what caused the accident. Police Reports. The first course of action that should be taken when an accident occurs is to call the police. When they have been able to bring calm and stability to the site of the crash, a very necessary preliminary investigation will begin. The investigation not only helps decipher…

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Liability For Self-Driving Cars

When it comes to driver liability and vehicle safety, regulations are very solid and clear for people that understand the law. Unfortunately, when referring to self-driving vehicles, things get much more complicated. This is especially the case when referring to safety and liability. How is fault established in car accidents involving self-driving vehicles? A car accident lawyer can help you understand more about the topic. But, the important things to highlight are the following. Self-Driving Cars Safety Regulation We do not have federal laws that govern self-driving vehicles. The US…

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How to Obtain the Best Accident Injury Settlement Amount?

How to Obtain the Best Accident Injury Settlement Amount?

Leading a healthy and happy life becomes nearly impossible for most car accident victims who sustain severe injuries and damages. Besides going through poor physical conditions, individuals who meet with a terrible accident because of someone else’s negligence experience significant mental anguish. Most victims lose the capacity to function and work actively and face a financial crisis. If you or anyone near and dear to you becomes a victim of an accident and sustains serious injuries due to the carelessness of a different individual or entity, contacting an injury lawyer…

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What Is A Safe Distance To Follow Another Car?

What Is A Safe Distance To Follow Another Car?

About one-third of all automobile accidents are caused by rear-end collisions. Most of these collisions result from drivers following too closely one another. You can drastically reduce the chances of being in an accident by keeping a safe distance between you and your fellow drivers. A rear-ender is also known as rear-end accident. It is one of the most common types. These are often caused by a sudden stop and an unexpected collision with another vehicle. Due to the injury sustained in a rear-end collision, this type of accident is also known as a…

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Common Types of Semi Accidents

Common Types of Semi Accidents

The trucking industry is a very large part of our economy. They deliver goods across the country and are a necessary part of our lives. If you’ve driven for any length of time, you have probably seen a semi truck accident. These are almost always tragic, and the damage to the vehicles involved is devastating. Since semis weigh quite a bit more than your average car, the semi usually winds up with less damage than the car it comes into contact with. When dealing with the trucking industry, it is…

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Who Is Held Responsible In A Car Sharing Accident?

Who Is Held Responsible In A Car Sharing Accident?

Car sharing is on the rise in Florida and it can often lead to some confusion on the part of insurance coverage and responsibility during an accident. Car sharing involves car owners essentially renting out their vehicles to other drivers in a marketplace. Some other examples of carsharing are uber and lyft. There have been some rulings on liability concerning private rental cars and car sharing but these concepts are still relatively new under Florida law. Although car sharing can be seen as extremely convenient as well as an excellent…

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