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Dangers of Motorcycle Lane Splitting

Dangers of Motorcycle Lane Splitting

Owning a motorcycle provides you with more than just the pleasure of riding in the open air; it also offers additional advantages such as affordability, improved fuel efficiency, and easier maintenance. Despite the benefits, research shows that the motorcycle makes up 3% of all registered vehicles but accounts for 80% of injury or mortality rate, while the motor vehicle is about 20%. Many factors contribute to motorbike accidents, such as lane splitting, your bike, age, and road use. Since motorbikes are more vulnerable to accidents, learn more here about lane-splitting for motorcycles.

What is Lane Splitting?

Lane splitting, also referred to as lane sharing, white-lining, or filtering, is the process of a motorcyclist riding between lanes of moving traffic or riding between lanes to the front of traffic stopped at a traffic light.

Frequent Causes of Lane Splitting on Motorcycles.

There are several reasons why motorcyclists may undertake the risky movement of splitting lanes, such as:

Dangers of Lane Splitting

Motorcyclists are more prone to incur severe or fatal injuries when engaged in an accident because their vehicles lack any surrounding protective structure.

The following are the dangers of motorcycle lane splitting:

There are various reasons why riding a motorbike puts you at risk of accidents that can be severe or even fatal. Obstacles, such as wet pavement or cracks in the road, can result in accidents. Additionally, motorcycles are not often visible on the road compared to cars, and drivers often are not keen to look for them, increasing the risk of vehicles hitting them.

You can avoid the risk of accidents as a biker by adhering to the traffic rules, such as wearing your protective gear, checking your bike for any faults daily, and avoiding driving in ways that could put you in danger.

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