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How To Prepare Yourself For A Child Custody Hearing

How To Prepare Yourself For A Child Custody Hearing

Things don’t always work out with your partner. When you separate, both of you are going to want custody of your children. Attending your child’s custody hearing for the first time can be a scary experience because you don’t know what to expect. With a little planning, you can ease most of the doubts and fears. Here are a few helpful tips when visiting a family law attorney to prepare for the case.

Understand the Child-Custody Laws In Your State

Becoming familiar with the child custody laws in your state could help you win your case. You should be prepared for hours of research since understanding the law takes time. The good news is that most laws are straightforward. However, you’ll need your family law attorney to help you interpret most of it.

Understand what it takes to be a Fit parent

If the judge sees that both parents are fit, you will get joint custody. Unfortunately, some couples never want to share custody after a split. The better-parent standard comes into play if one of the parents wants sole custody.

This parent must be able to demonstrate why joint custody isn’t in the kid’s best interest. This can be very difficult to prove. You will have to work with your family lawyer to find ways to convince the judge that you are the best parent for the job.

Carry Proper Documentation

Working with your lawyer is the best way to determine what documents you will bring to court. If you’re the one demanding sole custody, your family attorney with help you write a compelling submission. You will also include other documents in the submission as proof that you’re the better parent.

If the split happened a few months or years ago and your former spouse gave you sole custody of the kids, you may be required to produce phone records, evidence of child-support payments, visitation schedule, and other notes.

Don’t Go To Court Blindly

Parents seeking to win the custody of their children should take their time to understand what happens in these types of court cases. Child custody proceedings are not as combative as other cases. They are also not heard in front of a jury. Moreover, the judge will be the sole determinant of your hearing.

Acquainting yourself with some of these small details can help you prepare for court day.

Appropriate Dressing

Making a positive first impression is what you should go for if you hope to win child custody. Observing courtroom attire will greatly help sell your case. The type of clothes you wear for your hearing will be the first thing the judge will notice before listening to your case.

Your dressing on that day will determine the type of ruling you will get. Go for formal and conservative clothing that will portray you as responsible.

You should run your outfit by your lawyer to ensure that you have presented yourself in the best way possible.

Order in Court

The judge will allow both sides to say why they deserve custody of the children. In the midst of all this, you can lose your temper because your former spouse says something offensive or hurtful. Be calm, and learn to control your emotions during the proceedings. If you don’t, the judge can hold you in contempt of court.

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