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How To Recognize A Fraudulent Immigration Agent

How To Recognize A Fraudulent Immigration Agent

Please note that the agent at the beginning of the cooperation gives you a document with a signature. Make sure to check that with immigration lawyer canada.

When choosing a reliable representative, it is important that you also be referred to the visa application procedure with the assistance of a migration agent. Even when you let someone advocate you, you should monitor how it works and if you are not satisfied and change the agent. At the very beginning of your cooperation, your representative is required to submit Form to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection of the Government, and to give you the signature of the document, i.e. the Declarations of the Client, which is also a part of that form. If you choose to discontinue co-operation with your agent, the procedure is the same, only the Client Declarations this time confirms the completion of the cooperation. So, if at the very beginning of the cooperation the agent does not send the said declaration to the signature, check what is being done and if it does not correct the error and does not tell you the valid reason for such a failure, it is best to look for a new agent.

 Do not allow your agent to take money for your visa and other costs

If an agent asks you to pay advance visas and other fees, do not agree to do so. These costs are paid only when all the documents are ready, the visa is filled in and should be handed over to the competent service for consideration. At the very beginning, as soon as your case is examined, the agent should provide you with an estimate based on the cost estimate for your visa and your services, but that does not mean that you need to give that money in advance, or that you need to pay through an intermediary, regardless of whether you have a lawyer or not. An agent looking for money to apply for a visa before time should not give your trust and money and it is our recommendation that at the very moment someone suggests such a transaction to you, you can cancel that person’s cooperation and find another agent. Even if your agent is working correctly and does not ask for money in advance, it is advisable to know how much fees and visa fees are.

Also, for all the costs you pay through your agent, you should seek a receipt or an account and check that the purpose of the payment is exactly the one for which you gave the money. Keep all your receipts and receipts for yourself and save it at any time, at least until you get the official answer, is your visa approved, and you are not completely sure that everything has gone well.

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